
Terms of use



Intakeroo works completely offline and is only dependent on you and your device. No server calls are made to retrieve nutrition data or any other data.

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)

intakeroo uses USDA nutrition information to provide nutrition information.

U.S. Department of Agriculture
1400 Independence Ave., S.W.
Washington, DC 20250


no server calls are made to USDA to get the nutrition information: everything is on your device. No internet connection is needed to get your nutrition information.


Apple Health

Intakes you log inside intakeroo appear in the Health app too.

iCloud Drive

if you want to have syncing, you will need an internet connection and an apple account with iCloud Drive enabled. All your intakes are synced accross all your Apple devices.

Group Trial

To join Intakeroo group trials you will need to have iCloud Drive enabled to share trial data with the other trial participants in your group.

artificial intelligence (AI)

Large Language Models (LLM)

Intakeroo does not use cloud AI for LLM's. No server calls are made from your device to an LLM provider to provide your with data.


Intakeroo uses AI artwork. Some images might be obviously off, but many look stunning. If no source is given for an artwork, it was AI. The AI used is Stable Diffusion.



It's true, Intakeroo has had some buggy versions in the past. However, bugs are fixed as soon as they are found.


Send an email to abcviewdidload@icloud.com if you find a bug that hasn't been fixed for a long time or because you think the bug is obscure and hard to find for others.


From version 1.18 onwards, the app has stabilized and bugs have become less prevalent.


your data

you subscribe to log intakes. your logs remain available inside intakeroo, even if you unsubscribe later.


you can share the individual charts of your intake logs in PDF form. You can do this, even after you decide to end your subscription period.



Whatever the price is that you subscribed to, it will last for the duration of all your subscription periods, until you cancel.


So for example: if you subscribed for 9,99 a year in 2020, it wil remain 9,99 a year for you even in 2030 and in 2040. Eventual price increases will not affect you at all.


The subscription price that you are charged with at the start of your subscription will never change for the duration of your subscription. So price changes will not have an effect on your subscription.

discounts & holidays

There is a 50% first-year discount every year on Cyber Monday and a 50% first-year discount at the start of spring (22nd of March).


Cihan Özkan

Hillevliet 98 E1-6
3074 KD Rotterdam, Netherlands